On Saturday, Selena Gomez attended an event for her brand Rare Beauty in New York City. The makeup line released a new powder blush and Gomez wore all pale pink to celebrate. The pop star was wearing a minidress in a light floral pattern with long sleeves and a collar buttoned all the way up. The skirt fell to just above her knees.
She covered the outfit with a long matching trench coat and accessorized with bubblegum pink heels with pointed toes and bow adornments. She carried a small pink clutch and had her hair down with a side part. In her ears were a pair of dangling silver earrings.
The new powder blush comes in six shades and adds to her growing collection, which has only been carrying liquid blush so far. The event included influencers Jaeda Marie, Alessya Farrugia, and Pearse Renfree. Pink was a popular outfit choice amongst the invitees, who had the opportunity to try out the new product.
Rare Beauty was founded in 2019 and has been doing very well for Gomez. Last year, Bloomberg reported that the company sold around $70 million in blush alone, moving 3.1 million units. In 2020, Gomez told Forbes about her beauty philosophy, saying that society offers imagery that “makes people feel less than or the need to achieve a perceived perfection, which is absolutely unattainable.”
“I have been open with my own personal mental health struggles and have seen myself affected by feeling less than,” she said. “Through my openness, I have heard from many young people over the years struggling as well and so this is something very close to my heart.”
That year, Gomez launched the Rare Impact Fund, pledging to raise $100 million over the next ten years to support mental health services, particularly in underserved communities. One percent of all sales from Rare Beauty products were promised towards that goal.
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